About Jane Ehrman
Her journey to wellness
In 1988 Jane Ehrman was told she had a 35% chance of beating an aggressive form of breast cancer. That was then.
Today, Jane celebrates life by teaching others how to use those same powerful mind-body tools and techniques that she learned to help her, not only survive, but thrive!
Guided imagery for better self-care
Guided imagery has been clinically researched for 50+ years. It is included in many medical institutions and wellness centers as a gold standard integrative modality to aid in the treatment of many health issues. It also helps enhance performance in academics, athletics and performing arts.

Free Guided Imagery for Stress Relief
Given the level of stress that we are all experiencing during the pandemic, I am offering free guided imagery tracks to help you relieve stress and live well. Feel free to listen to these tracks as often as you wish. New tracks will be posted weekly. More guided imagery can be found in the library. Subscriptions are free for 14 days.
May you be well, may you be happy, and may you be peaceful now and always.
Jane Ehrman, MEd, RCHES, ACHT